Select a Request Type
Select a Seat Type
Buses are routed to class start time (not the entry Bell Time)
Ride-Alone Start Time: 9:45
Ride-Alone Dismissal Time: 2:30
* Buses may drop-off between 5-30 minutes prior to that time (15 minutes prior to noon start time)
Is a support animal required to ride with the student? If so, specify the type of animal and upload certification as service animal
Booster Seats: Mandatory by law if student is riding in a minivan or taxi. If student is between 40 and 80 lbs., under 145 cm tall and up to 8 years of age, a booster seat is required.
Car Seats: Not mandatory but may be used on 18 passenger buses for daily home to school transportation. Car Seats must be used for students who require them because of their medical condition. If student is under 40 lbs./18.2 kg., please indicate weight
Medical Eligibility: If transportation is requested due to a health concern, the “Medical Form to Determine Eligibility” must be completed by a medical practitioner and returned along with the Student Transportation Application. (The Medical form can be downloaded from the Transportation website).
Safety Vest/Harness: If the student requires a harness/safety vest, “Safety Vest/Harness Request Form” must be completed and prescribed by a medical practitioner. (The Safety Vest/Harness Request form can be downloaded from the Transportation website).
Parent/Guardian must provide the car or booster seat and must leave them on the vehicle for the school year.
In case of emergency, permission is hereby given to the Toronto Catholic District and Toronto District School Board to release the above information to a medical practitioner.
The pupil is to be taken to the nearest hospital for examination and, if necessary, x-rays. In addition, this information will be shared with the transportation carrier.
Personal information contained on this form or general information collected on behalf of the Toronto Catholic District School Board and Toronto District School Board regarding the student is collected under the authority of the Education Act and in compliance with sections 14, 31 and 32 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for education, transportation and health and safety purposes.